Monday, July 2, 2007

English terror attack fallout

Since they aren't hamstrung by the terrorist-loving ACLU (Memo to the ACLU: The Bill of Rights is NOT a collective suicide pact), police in England are moving expeditiously to arrest the supporters of this past weekend's (thankfully) failed terrorist attacks in the U.K.:

Here's a fact to former U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful John Edwards and the other members of the loony left who think that these whack jobs are all motivated by economics, and that the War on Terror (which should really be called the War for survival against Islamofascism) is just a "bumper sticker". The police are aresting doctors, professionals, etc. These are NOT disaffected youths. They are NOT hard up for cash, not that this will stop the delusional thinkers on the other side of the political spectrum from spewing their nonsense.

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