Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Michael Moore

It is a rhetorical question to ask how low this loathesome man can go. His latest thing is to promote Cuba's health care system at the expense of the American one by taking ill 9/11 First Responders to the Communist dictatorship for medical care: http://www.nypost.com/seven/04152007/news/worldnews/moores_sicko_stunt_worldnews_janon_fisher.htm. Never mind that by doing so you are providing free positive publicity to a totalitarian despot. And, I'd like to see a comparison of contributions made by the Cuban health care system to advances in medicine as opposed to those of American medical doctors and researchers. I don't have the information at hand, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's a pretty one-sided comparison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To leftists like Moore, the term 'freedom' means free stuff-- free housing, free education, free medicine & health care, free everything. Of course, this comes about by taxing everyone 90%-100%. In case you haven't noticed, such a system is called slavery, and it is incompatible with human freedom, at least the way we define it. To proto-Marxists like Moore, 'freedom' has an entirely different meaning.
No slave ever paid for anything that he ever needed. A slave does not pay rent; he does not pay for any education he gets. His medical care is free, as are all his essential needs. He also cannot leave the plantation or speak ill of the master...
Orwell knew exactly what he was saying about Marxism when he said "Freedom is Slavery."