Friday, April 27, 2007

Are we scaring our children?

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed columnist Peggy Noonan certainly thinks so: I have to say, I can't necessarily disagree. Mrs. BHG and I are constantly checking what the kids are watching because, frankly, we don't want them be traumatized by what they see. Maybe it's just the curmudgeon in me, but I can't help but think that there is far more violence on tv than should be acceptable, and it is on at hours when kids can and will see it. Actually, it's usually included within many of the cartoons which kids normally watch. Yes, I know that when we grew up (I'm in my early forties), there was plenty of violence in those cartoons as well (anyone esle remember the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner show?), but that was truly cartoon violence. The stuff we say today is, as some say, more "sophisticated". I prefer the term "graphic".

I wonder, are we trying to turn our kids into adults before they are ready? The consequences of that just can't be good. The companion question is, are we desensitizing our kids to just about everything (violence, sex, you name it)? And what are the consequences of that??? Mrs. BHG and I have three kids eight and younger. These are the types of things that keep us up at night............

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