Friday, April 27, 2007

First Democratic Presidential Debate

I watched a good chunk of the first Democratic Presidential Candidate's Debate last night, featuring the eight declared candidates, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Senator
Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut,
Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (does anyone know who he is? I didn't!), and Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. Former Vice-President Al Gore remains on the sidelines..........for now.

Much of the discussion at the debate, as expected, involved the hammering by all of the candidates of President Bush and the Iraq War, with (again, as expected) Dennis Kucinich being the most strident. Still, there was one memorable line from the debate, and it came from Joe Biden, a man who I normally dislike because he is SUCH a political opportunist. Biden was faulted gently (by the debate moderator, Brian Williams of NBC News) for his propsensity for talking too much, and then asked if he could "hold his tongue" and show discipline on the world stage if necessary. With a slight smile on his face, Biden responded "Yes". And that was it. It was delivered perfectly, and even his opposing candidates had to give him a hand for it, as did the audience at the debate. I'll give him credit too; it was a a GREAT line..............

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