Monday, October 22, 2007

I miss Montreal

I truly do. I grew up there, one of my sisters and her family are still there, and the other one is just a couple of hours away. As a "restaurant city", it's second only to New York, in my mind, in terms of the diversity of its cuisine. Then.............I read stories like this one, and I realize how much I don't miss about the place:

The story is not long, but in it you find out that the Quebec Separatists want the Canadian government to recognize French as the sole official language of the Province (which would have the practical effect of giving the Quebec government a blank cheque to do what it pleased on the language issue), favour the enactment of a Quebec national constitution (translation: "Even if we aren't an independent country, we'll act like one anyway"), and most omiously, they want to ban anyone who "cannot speak proper French" from running for elected office at any level in the province. If that's not enough, they also want to establish a linguistic test as to who can and cannot become a Quebec citizen: Nope, no racism there.....................


WomanHonorThyself said...

ah yes the libs want to multi culti everything!

Anonymous said...

"they want to ban anyone who "cannot speak proper French" from running for elected office at any level in the province"

Which means, of course, that the Quebecois will not be able to run for elected office either.

The entire province will be run by French immigrants and Ontario high school french teachers.

Serket said...

Does Canada have an official language? Do you speak French? Would you consider Quebec to be the most liberal Province?