Monday, October 8, 2007

And why don't we just start exterminating ourselves while we're at it?

I read this story and couldn't believe it. The suicidal government of Ehud Olmert is actually considering giving the Palestinians control over East Jerusalem:

I honestly don't even know what to say/write at this point. Giving people who are led by either an admitted Holocaust denier (Mahmoud Abbas) or religious fanatics who want every Jew in Israel killed or deported (Hamas) control over East Jerusalem? This should be an article in The Onion, not a real news headline. If this ever happened, how long does anyone think that it would be before Qassams and Katyushas would start raining on West Jerusalem? And, once the terrorists entrenched themselves in East Jerusalem, which would be an inevitable outcome from an Israeli withdrawal, it would be more or less impossible to root them out.

This is unfathomable. If the Israelis do not IMMEDIATELY do something to oust the Olmert government, they and they alone will be accountable for what happens to them.

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