Saturday, October 13, 2007

Another delusional dhimmi

It's not much of a surprise that this would be published in The Guardian, which hates all religions.......except Islam, of course:,,1874653,00.html.

I really don't understand what these people are thinking. Do they believe that the Islamofascists will like them MORE if they kowtow to them? If they do, they are either naive or stupid, or possibly both. Islamofacists view positions such as this one as a sign of weakness.


Anonymous said...

I find it cynical of Karen Armstrong to devote so much space in her article describing how Jews suffered throughout Christendom in order to make a point about prejudice against Muslims! Much like Edward Said appropriated the figure of Shylock to illustrate his theory of Orientalism! There is an attempt to subsume Jewish millennial suffering into a greater suffering, of Muslims. An attempt I interpret as aimed at diluting, revising and possibly erasing this history. This underlying notion is subversive and outrageous.

Anonymous said...


Islam = Buddhism

"Judaism and Christianity are every bit as much eastern religions as Islam or Buddhism. So much that we today value – universities, paper, the book, printing – were transmitted from East to West via the Islamic world, in most cases entering western Europe in the Middle Ages via Islamic Spain.

And where was the first law code drawn up? In Athens or London? Actually, no – it was the invention of Hammurabi, in ancient Iraq.

Who was the first ruler to emphasise the importance of the equality of his subjects? The Buddhist Indian Emperor Ashoka in the third century BC, set down in stone basic freedoms for all his people, and did not exclude women and slaves, as Aristotle had done.

Do Aung San Suu Kyi and the Dalai Lama belong to the same ethical tradition as Osama Bin Laden? "

And loads more piles of steaming voided rumen contents at (why is this filed under 'arts and entertainment'? )

Avi said...

Ancient prejudices? Like when Islam exploded out of Arabia in the 7th century and forcibly converted the Christian Middle-East?

Serket said...

I did not read the article, but have heard that Karen Armstrong is considered an expert on Islam. Back in 2003 I was on a message board about religion and I asked for suggestions about Islam. Someone recommended Armstrong and another person said her books aren't very book and recommended Robert Spencer. I ended up reading "Islam Unveiled" and I think that is enough reading about Islam for me.