Friday, May 11, 2007

The Planet of Quebec

Stories like this make me SOOOOO happy that I do not live in Quebec anymore. As a preliminary matter, let's all remember that Quebec is ostensibly democratic, and the current governing party, the Liberals, is the supposedly FEDERALIST party. Well, here those "Federalists" are, swearing that they will do their absolute best to enforce Quebec's racist and discriminatory language laws: Pathetic.......................


WomanHonorThyself said...

I once knew a conservative who called it "Queerbec" of dems and self haters he said...good post ..I will add ya to my blogroll too!..come visit and comment if ya like!

Bald Headed Geek said...

Will do, "Woman", and yes, Quebec is a bizarre place. Only Quebecers could come up with the concept of "rights of the majority" as a way to justify suppressing the rights of a minority.