Monday, May 21, 2007


Lebanon looks to be slowly sliding back into anarchy: This isn't necessarily a surprise, of course. Still, after reading this article, which deals with the Lebanese Army fighting with Palestinian terrorists in a "refugee camp", several questions came to mind:

1) How long will it be before this is blamed on Israel?
2) Why are there still Palestinian "refugee camps"? Why have these people not been integrated into their new countries, as Israel did with the Jewish refugees from the 1948 War for Independence?
3) Is anyone out there surprised in the least about the possibility that al Qaeda would be recruiting jihadists in these camps?
4) On the flip side, would it also be a surprise if the Syrians and/or the Iranians were training these terrorists?
5) More from the media bias department: You can be sure that if this were the Israelis doing the shelling, it would be front page news everywhere.

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