Monday, May 28, 2007

Las Vegas Trip Post-Mortem

Mrs. BHG and I are now back home, having left Las Vegas (and much cash) behind. Las Vegas styles itself as the entertainment capital of the world, and it is honestly quite hard to disagree with that self-designation. If you are bored in that city, then you are probably the type of person who would be bored no matter where you are.

One other thing: I have never held a high opinion of USAir, and that opinion just went down even further after this trip. I blogged earlier about our travails going to Sin City. Well, the airline wasn't done with us yet. This morning, we got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, only to be told by ticket agents that they would not give us seats because the flight was "oversold". I explained that we had booked and paid for our seats months ago, but that was not apparently enough. As a result, Mrs. BHG and I had to sweat it out until about 10 minutes before departure time before we got on the flight. Not a good way to end our vacation........

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