Thursday, May 31, 2007

Battlefield England, Part Three

H/T to the American Israeli Patriot for this one. The battle for Israel's legitimacy and survival has taken a bad turn on the other side of the pond. Fresh on the heels of the UCU's decision to impose a boycott on Israeli academics, the British trade unions are now seriously considering doing the same thing: Unlike that of the academics, this boycott will have real teeth and will impact the Israeli economy to a considerable degree. It also sets a precedent that will likely be followed worldwide.

I share the AIP's view on this. If the Brits go through with this, Israel should respond in kind and up the ante. Boycott English goods. Ban British Airways flights from Israeli airspace. And, to up the ante, recall the Israeli ambassador from London.

Israel has become an international punching bag. It's time that it fought fire with fire.

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