Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Arab/Muslim World vs.............who?

I can't say Israel, because I don't trust the dhimmi Olmert government to actually defend Israel's interests, and Lord knows that U.S. State Department and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice will do nothing to help the Jewish state:

I honestly am fearful about what is going to happen at Annapolis. I can see a situation where the entire Arab world, with the conniving assistance of the State Department, gets together and beats an already weak Israeli government into submission. The end result of this will be a terrorist state on Israel's southern and western borders, and one which owns half of Jerusalem. I simply don't have faith in the Olmert government to stop this from happening.


Webutante said...

I went back and reviewed the Israeli/Arab peace processes over the weekend, especially the Oslo Accord and of course the disastrous Camp David 2 with Baruck and Arafat, as Bill tried to make a legacy for himself. In each and every one of these, things got worse for both Jews and Arabs.

Annapolis is just another boon doogle.

Yehudi said...

You're absolutely right. The only answer, though the world body will never allow it to happen, is to resettle all the pseudo-stinians back into Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon where they came from so Israel can eradicate the cancer within. (Jeez, I think of cancer, and I think of Olmert, Livni, and Peres...they have to go, too.) Ok, the more we think about it, the bigger the problem becomes...this is truly a time for Divine Intervention...

Anonymous said...

Islamic child abuse - evil from the lowest cesspool of hell

Avi said...

Israel is walking itself straight into Auschwitz. The only solution is to expel our enemies and to never cede one inch of our land.