Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's/Remembrance Day Followup

After I went to bed last night, I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned for a while, and eventually just gave up and got out of bed. I went downstairs and turned on the computer, and in my e-mail inbox was a link to two YouTube videos honouring Canada's soldiers who have falled in Afghanistan and elsewhere. They brought a tear to my eye, and I think that the videos could be equally applicable to vets and their families here in the U.S. My own father was a WWII veteran, and I have close friends and colleagues who are serving now. So, this whole subject is one that is very near and dear to my heart.

To the veterans out there, THANK YOU again. THANK YOU for everything that I have, and I know that without your sacrifices I would have nothing. THANK YOU for giving up your futures so that my family could have its [future].

To my readers, many of whom have families of their own, think of all families out there who have lost mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, nephews and nieces, aunts, uncles and cousins, and say a prayer for them.

Here is the full text of the e-mail I received:

Don Cherry may be gruff and loud, but that man has a heart:

Bryan Adams "Remembrance Day" video:

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