Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm a "Chickenhawk"

So says one of the commenters on my Ron Paul blog entries. I have posted the full text of the comment immediately below, but I did want to say this in response to the person who wrote it:

You obviously have very little understanding of what the term "isolationist" means, or even your own candidate's policies. You can call Congressman and aspiring President Paul's policies whatever you want, but that does not change what they are. I posted them IN FULL in an earlier entry, and readers of this blog can interpret them however they want. Regardless, I stand by my characterization.

Second, the term "chickenhawk" is one of the most abusive and invidious comments a person can make. Taking your argument to its logical extreme, only those who are or were in the military (or who are or were in a military zone) should ever be allowed to comment on affairs of a military nature, let alone make policies with respect to military issues. Kind of restrictive, don't you think? don't know me. You know NOTHING about me other than what I have posted in this blog, as well as what is contained in the brief biography I have posted. Thus, your comment is an indication of complete ignorance as well. For all you know, I could be a military vet who saw action (for the record, I'm not, though I have immediate family members who served and close, personal friends who are seeing action right now). I suppose that this is what passes for political debate in this country now, but that does not make it any more acceptable.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, but if that's what you consider to be an intelligent comment, there's not no need on your part to come back again, let alone post a comment.

Joseph Moroco said...
Ah yes, Another chickenhawk using the term "isolationist" to insult others. The term Isolationist implies a narrow Fortress America outlook and is used as an epithet. The term Neutralist does not indicate someone hiding out from the world. No one calls the Swiss isolationists. The Wilsonian world view is old, tired and wrong. Our interventions have been less and less successful and now the failure can no longer be covered up. I once was an internationalist. Stupidly so such that I enlisted during the Vietnam war. Okay, so your too old for basic training, fair enough. My good man, there are other jobs you could apply for in the war zone. It appears that we are having a hard time finding diplomats.It is easy enough to blog, heck I do it too. Anything we say hear on the web costs us nothing here in comfortable America. Your Nov 8 post on isolationism and Ron Paul is a silly assertion.
November 14, 2007 8:00 AM

1 comment:

Richard Morchoe said...

My Dear Sir,

I'm sorry I hit a nerve. You are right, I don't know you. What I have read, in your Veteran's Day comment leads me to believe you were hors de combat. You admit as much.

However, anyone who is hot for his country to be involved all over the world has an obligation to be or have been part of the adventure. Res ipsa loqua.

"the term "chickenhawk" is one of the most abusive and invidious comments a person can make."

As is the term anti-semite.

"if he isn't an anti-Semite, is certainly very cozy with those who are"

A freakin' $500 donation and you just about have him as the author of the protocols. You should be ashamed.