Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here's where a lot of that oil money is going

I previously blogged about the dangers that our oil dependency posed to us. First and foremost is that we are directly funding nations and regimes whose interests are directly antithetical to ours. They use the money from that oil revenue to buy arms which are used against our troops or our allies. They also fund "Middle East Studies Programs", which by and large are nothing but anti-American, anti-Israel and/or anti-Semitic think tanks:

Honestly, do we need any more reasons than what I have listed above to justify finding another way to fuel our cars, planes, homes, etc.?

1 comment:

Serket said...

It would also reduce carbon emissions, but I don't know if there is a good alternative right now. I've heard ethanol is less efficient and produces more emissions plus it would raise the price of food.