Monday, January 28, 2008


I truly believe that that's what Rudy Giuliani did in the Republican primaries, and polls are starting to bear out that assertion: Rudy is now a very distant third in the Florida polls, and is trailing in his "home states" of New York and New Jersey. Eight years ago, I commented that Al Gore had lost an "unlose-able" Presidential Eleciton by running an absolutely terrible campaign (I stand by that assertion, by the way. Gore's decision to abandon Ohio and ignore West Virginia cost him the election. If he wins either of those two states, Florida is irrelevant). I have come to believe that the campaign Rudy Giuliani has run for the Republican Presidential nomination makes Gore's 2000 campaign look brilliant by comparison. Now, maybe Rudy will shock me (and many others, apparently) and pull out a win tomorrow in Florida, but I'm not betting on it.

UDPATE (2:38 p.m.): How big a joke has Rudy Giuliani's campaign become? It is now the fodder for humour columnists such as Dave Barry (who, I must admit, is an incredibly funny guy):

1 comment:

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Heck if Gore had won his home state or Billary's state, Florida would not have mattered, but don't tell the BDS crowd that.