Thursday, January 24, 2008

Immoderate Islam

This is one of the more bizarre stories I have seen in quite some time. An Iraqi politician has decried the rise of Islamic extremism..................IN GREAT BRITAIN: If this isn't the ultimate sign that we in the West have gone completely off the deep end, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The vermin infesting Britain (I won't use the term 'British Muslims' because there's nothing British about them) are the most violent, predatory, arrogant, ignorant, indolent and lawless Muslims in the world. Most of them come from the savage anarchic tribal areas of Pakistan and Somalia and they bring their stone-age barbarism onto the streets of a once civilized country. When they aren't bombing, stabbing, shooting, robbing and raping the kafirs they turn on one another, with violent tribal feuds between Paki, Somali, Kurds and Turkish drugs gangs being commonplace.

Unless you Americans pull up the drawbridge soon you'll have the same problems in five or ten years' time. God help you if you get a Dhimmocrat president.