Monday, January 21, 2008

On a rant

Pat Condell is never one to mince his words, and he is in a major snit over the Canadian Human Rights Commissions who are hearing complaints by Muslims about being offended:

I know that the PC streak runs deep in Canada, maybe as deep as it does in Condell's homeland of Great Britain, but the point he makes is very valid. With every one of these lawsuits or complaints even being heard, free speech gets chilled that much more.


Anonymous said...

Good to see Britney's up and running again with two very interesting articles exploring the murkier depths of Islam:

...this explains how Mohammed contradicted himself in the Koran as he was making it up and why most of it is regarded as invalid (abrogated) and only used by muslims to deceive gullible Kuffars (taqiyya again!) For a more detailed analysis follow the link back to the Sikh site.

... and

...why it is FORBIDDEN TO ADOPT CHILDREN in Islam because the filthy pervert Mohammed had an incestuous relationship with his daughter-in-law (you couldn't make this stuff up!)

Anonymous said...

Regarding the prohibition on adoption:

Not only does this reveal Mohammed as an incestuous pervert, but it also shows the uunbridgeable gap between the evil cult of Islam and all true religions.

In Christianity. Judaism and Buddhism (and probably most other religions founded on the Golden Rule) the care and protection of children is regarded as both a sacred duty and a divine privilege.

However Islam literally throws out the baby with the bathwater. Because the filthy pervert Mohammed couldn't keep his incestous hands off his daughter-in-law, countless orphans and abandoned children have been condemned to death by neglect due to the vile lusts of the satanic cult-founder.