Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nope, no anti-Semitism here, just keep moving along........

I know that I'm beating a dead horse on this one, but the United Nations is about hit yet another low in its neverending war against Jewish people in general and Israel in particular. It is about to revoke the charter of the World Union of Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) as a licensed NGO. Why is it doing this? Well, the head of the WUPJ had the audacity to complain to the Human Rights Council about the Hamas charter: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/06/02/2008-06-02_unspeakable_hypocrisy.html.

Imagine that, a Jew complaining about a charter that calls for the death of all Jews. Completely unacceptable, of course, so the U.N.'s move is completely understandable (yes, I'm being sarcastic)...................

1 comment:

Serket said...

I hope this snaps some liberal Jews back to reality.