Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Unhinged Left continues to lose its marbles

Look, President Bush is hardly my favourite, especially these days, but can we STOP ALREADY with the asinine impeachment talk: Don't these people have lives? You really have to wonder what they will say and do once he leaves office.

Oh wait, that's right, he's planning a coup to stay in power forever................


The Contentious Centrist said...

I agreed with Hitchens when he said that Bush is impeachable for the way he mishandled the war, not for embarking upon it, as this thoroughly predictable, and regurgitative, op-ed would suggest. But even that accusation has lost its bite, since it appears that the surge is working.

Serket said...

Oh wait, that's right, he's planning a coup to stay in power forever

And yet most of them probably think it is okay for Chavez to do.