Wednesday, April 9, 2008

President Peanut Farmer thinks he's still the President

Worse yet, he's never met an anti-Israeli with whom he didn't want to cuddle up. His latest act of insanity is to plan a meeting with Khaled Meshal, the homicidal (Jewicidal?) leader of Hamas:,2933,348413,00.html. You gotta love President Peanut Farmer. If you hate Israel, he's more than happy to meet with you. However, if you're a supporter of Israel, such as Alan Dershowitz, he runs for the hills.

The man's depravity knows no end...................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and we have naive appeasers who say in their typical "peace-out" voice, that we must meet with our enemies, reach out, have a dialogue.
ABOUT WHAT?!! The method of extinction?? Again, there is no possible negotiation with an enemy who's only cause is to exterminate. Hey Meshal, show your weasel face so the IDF can snuff you out too.