Monday, March 31, 2008

Unions and Israel

I've blogged quite a bit about the rabidly anti-Israel nature of the unions in Europe, and particularly those in the U.K. I am glad to write that while that anti-Israel attitude may be present in certain unions here in the U.S., that is by no means the rule:

The bottom line is that if Israel is to continue to survive, it can only do so if both the right and the left here in the U.S. support it. Given what is coming out of college campuses these days, I question wether that will continue to be the case, the good intentions of this union member notwithstanding.

1 comment:

Michael said...

If Israel is to survive, survival cannot be tied to the US, or any other single nation.

We need a diplomatic initiative, aimed at the countries directly threatened by Islamic terrorists (Ethiopia, India, Thailand, Serbia) to form an alliance dedicated to each others' survival in the face of an existential threat.

It sounds so easy, to say it....