Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obscene, even by the warped standards of The Guardian

Seamas Milne of The Guardian is well known for his hatred of the West in general, and the United States and Israel in particular. After all, this is the same guy who, just two days after 9/11, wrote a piece blaming it on the United States: In today's edition of the paper, he has combined his hatred of both in one, all-encompassing, vile diatribe: He begins by accusing Israel of promising a "Holocaust" for the Palestinians (another blood libel which has already been debunked), goes from there to the canard that the Qassam and Katyusha rockets are "home made" (another myth), and it goes downhill from there.

He accuses Israel of occuppying Gaza, even though Gaza has been Judenrein for over 2 1/2 years, and claims that Israel controls all access to the terrorist statelet, a claim which I am sure surprises Egypt whose Gaza barricade was so famously (temporarily) destroyed by Hamas last month, and repeats his call for Israel to commit demographic suicide by admitting all "expelled refugees". At one point, his venomous poison becomes almost comical, as he accuses the BBC of being "pro-Israel".

This is what Israel is up against in the European Press. Is it any wonder why the state is hated by Western Europeans?

1 comment:

The Contentious Centrist said...

"He begins by accusing Israel of promising a "Holocaust" for the Palestinians (another blood libel which has already been debunked)"

If you want to tear your hair in sheer frustration, take a look, if you dare, in these threads, on three different blogs, discussing the "shoah" mistranslation: