Sunday, March 2, 2008

Let the anti-Israel propagandizing begin

The cowed and meek government of Ehud Olmert is finally doing something about the thousands of rockets that have rained down on Sderot and other Israeli towns since the Israeli pullout from Gaza in August of 2005, and articles like this are the result:

I don't even know where to start. The article accuses Israel of indiscriminately killing "civilians", but let's not forget that Palestinians inevitably overstate both who is a civilian (for example, those launching the rockets are considered by Palestinian sources to be "civilians") as well as the number of dead. Next, and as might be expected, Israel is being condemned by Europeans for using "disproportionate force". I think that anyone with half a brain would accept that that no matter what Israel did to address the rocket attacks, it would be regarded by the EU as "disproportionate". Then again, given that the Europeans have mastered the art of killing each other off in huge numbers over the years, I guess that they know whereof they speak on this issue.

The article also refers to Israel "killing a 14-year old boy". Of course, no mention is made of what the boy may have been doing, or where he was.

I guess that I shouldn't be surprised by any of this, and I'm not. Of course, that it's not surprising doesn't make it any less upsetting.........

UPDATE (8:06 a.m., 3/3/08): The "blood libel" is already being employed as a propaganda tool by newspapers in the U.K.:

1 comment:

Avi said...

Jews, fight fairly! You cannot fight back, only accept passively and die.

Or so the world thinks. Do they have another thing coming...