Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The type of story that makes me sick

I'm an animal lover in general and a dog lover in particular, so when I read a story about a South American "artist" who apparently feels that art can and does consist of starving a dog to death, I can get pretty worked up: http://petloverstips.com/ForTheLoveoftheDog/news-updates/a-dead-dog-as-art-petition.

I suppose that there are individuals who are MUCH more sophisticated than me who are probably sneering in contempt at how I "just don't get it". The thing is, they're right. I don't get it, and never will. Torture isn't art. Animal cruelty isn't art.

I wonder how this "artist" would feel if the same thing were done to him?

1 comment:

Serket said...

Thanks for posting this. I have a penpal friend who lives in Argentina and she sent me this story in Spanish. I am not fluent in the language, I can only read a little bit.