Monday, March 3, 2008

European Union condemns Israel

This headline ranks right up there with "Sun rises in the morning", "Miami found to be south of Montreal", and "Summer is warmer than winter" in terms of its surprise effect. Yet, it still bears discussing: That the EU has condemned Israel's "disproportionate" response in Gaza to the neverending series of rockets attacks is not a shock at all. Sure, the EU statement contains the mandatory "Rocket attacks are bad, too", but that's just so that the Euroweenies can make the pretense of being somewhat objective about the situation. The fact of the matter, however, is that the EU long ago picked a side in this dispute. It is an enemy of Israel, to put it even more bluntly. The sooner that Israel realizes this, the better off it will be.


The Contentious Centrist said...

Israel realizes it. What can it do about it? People in the grip of a frenzied loathing cannot be
reasoned with.

BTW, tangentially relevant, have you read this?

Anonymous said...

"In addition to their customary habits of slaughtering Christian babies to use their blood for making kosher tomato ketchup, the evil Jooooooooooooz are preparing gas chambers for a revenge-holocaust to gas and incinerate 5700 million peaceful muslim women and children"