Monday, February 18, 2008

Up is down

Black is white, night is day, right is wrong, right is left, etc., etc. What else can you say when the President of France, no matter who he or she may be, is Israel's bes friend: That is exactly the geopolitical situation right now, where France's Nicholas Sarkozy is saying and doing all the right things vis-a-vis Israel. In fact, he is doing everything that President George W. Bush used to do before 2006. Jacques Chirac must be cringing right now.

1 comment:

Serket said...

Great story and it is nice to see Canada is supporting the cause too (perhaps because of their conservative Prime Minister). I liked the part about changing the curriculum to learn about how awful the Nazis were.

I guess there were enough French who were fed up with the way the socialists had run things and were willing to vote in some real positive change. It is nice that Sarkozy is conservative and self-confident. It would be scary for Israel if these three countries suddenly changed policy, because then they probably wouldn't have any supporters.