Friday, February 8, 2008

Ignorance continues to be bliss

Last week, the world quietly "celebrated" an inauspicious anniversary, the 75th anniversary of the ascension to the German Chancellor's title of one Adolph Hitler: In hindsight, we always seem to wonder why the people living in the 1930s didn't see what was coming. Hitler was quite open about what he wanted to do, not only to the Jews but to the world in general. Yet, he was not taken seriously, or his words were brushed aside as being mere rhetoric..................until he started acting on them.

So it was with Germany, so it is with Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is more than willing to say what he wants to do to Jews in general and Israel in particular. Yet, his comments are either rationalized away, ignored, or minimized. No one seems to care. Well, I do. You see, the last person who said that he wanted to kill all the Jews and who had any power actually went out and tried to do it. The old cliche is that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Is that going to be the case here?

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