Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday for who?

Registered voters across the United States are casting their ballots today in the Democratic and Republican Presidential primaries. On the Democratic side, all signs are pointing to a good day for Hillary Clinton. She will likely capture both California and New York, the two biggest prizes on the biggest primary day. On the Republican side, those two states might split, with California going for Mitt Romney (a surprise to me), and New York going for John McCain. Polls have the two nearly neck and neck in the Golden State: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/latestpolls/index.html.

Given the exit of Rudy Giuliani from the race, I am supporting John McCain, though I admit that it is not strong endorsement, and I would not be upset if Mitt Romney emerged triumphant. It's just that I think that McCain is the best positioned candidate to win in November, and I could see either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama clobbering Mitt Romney in a general election.

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