Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If we fail

The consequences of defeat for NATO and the West in Afghanistan are almost too frightening to contemplate, but a writer for the Times of London has done just that, and the picture he paints is frightening, to say the least: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/david_aaronovitch/article3308248.ece.

The frightening thing is that I have indicated in previous posts on this subject, the prospect is not farfetched in the least. Canada is muttering that it will pull outs troops unless other NATO countries contribute a rather modest 1000 additional troops. Stunningly, they seem unwilling to do so, with the whiny Germans being the most dead set against either a hike in their troop commitment or the redeployment of their existing troops to any area where they might actually have to fight.

If I can see the consequences of defeat in Afghanistan, why can't they?

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