Friday, August 10, 2007

More non-Muslims die in Darfur, World yawns

The ongoing genocide in Darfur is one that future generations will look upon with same amazement and horror that current ones do with respect to the Holocaust. However, we are living in a very different political climate than the one that existed after WWII. We are much more politically correct, much more "sensitive", and more ominously, much LESS inclined to "call it like we see it", especially if the offending party is (gasp!) adherents of the Religion of Peace (official motto: "Don't call us violent or we'll kill you").

There was an excellent article on yesterday's Frontpagemag website which discusses the obliviousness of much of the world to the crimes being committed there, while the same world obsesses over Israel to an absurd degree. I am linking to it here:

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