Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The kind of story that would make my hair fall out, if I had any

Israel is supposed to be our ally, the conclusions of Walt & Mearsheimer notwithstanding. So.......WHY are we training the people who then go out and kill Israelis:

The terrorist quoted in this article makes it a point of thanking the United States for the training that the United States gave to the Palestinians, thereby enabling the Second Intifadah to "succeed". Let's keep in mind the perverse logic of the "Palestinian Cause". Boiled down to its essence, it can be summed up as follows: Losing is winning. The more Palestinians die, the more poverty and misery afflict their people, the more attention they get from the world press, and the more concessions which are offered by the odious Olmert government, which in turn lead to more scorn and hatred visited on Israel by people around the world. Twisted, but amazingly, it does seem to work.

You don't believe me? Look at how the movement to boycott Israel economically and academically has really picked up steam ever since the Olmert government took power. As I said, perverse, but there is no denying the effectiveness of this tactic...............


Serket said...

It seems like if Olmert is soft on terrorism that the western progressives would support him.

Avi said...

Serket: Of course that is true. The world will not be happy until Israel is no longer, G-d forbid. Esau sone et Yaakov Esau hated Jacob.

Michael said...

The tactic works because the Olmert gov't lets it. Israel needs a gov't that won't apologize for its mere existence, and that won't back down to every demand made of it.

How can you get any respect from anyone, if you don't show any respect for yourself?