Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This kind of proves the point, doesn't it?

Publishers were balking at putting out a novel based on one of Mohammed's wives, Aisha. Why? Because there were fears of violence by the nutcase Islamofacist elements out there. So, as if to prove the point, a Dutch publisher which is printing the book had its London office firebombed by (surprise, surprise), Islamofascists: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article4837994.ece. Yeah, I'm stunned by this story. Of course, the inevitable mealy-mouthed denials of responsibility will be uttered, and our politically correct leaders will say nothing, but the facts are still the facts. You don't see this out of any other faith. If Jews acted violently everytime something was done which "insulted their faith", they would never stop acting violently..........


Anonymous said...

Gosh. My local paper just said there was uncertainty whether they would publish because they had had a fire. Got to love the way the important details were left off.

Anonymous said...

ogden, that's absolutely incredible, do you perhaps live in an area where there are laws against speech that might be accused as being anti-Muslim or offensive against a religion? since there is this ridiculous notion that reporting anti-Islam facts that is equal to publishing anti-Islam opinion.

Anonymous said...

Nope. I live in Florida. But it was a wire service type article- I'll bet that kind of reporting was repeated all over the country. BHG's link was to a UK article. It's pathetic how unappetizing facts get left out of news articles to promote the views of the organizations or people that are supplying the feed.