Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The ACLU strikes again

I know that there is much romanticizing of the ACLU in the MSM, as well as in Hollyweird (check out Michael Douglas' homage to the organization in the movie "The American President" if you don't believe me), but the more I hear and read about it, the more I dislike it: http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110010198.

Why does it seem as though the ACLU is against any and all actions which make us safer? Why does it seem as though the ACLU values the "rights" of terrorist-wannabes and their sympathizers over my right to not die in a terrorist attack? Am I missing something here?


Jersey McJones said...

How the hell does assisting the government with extraordinary rendition make us safer??? Seems to me it makes the the whole world hate us all the more, encourage more terrorism against us, and erodes our support in the fight against terrorism among our allies.

I feel sorry for authoritarians like you. What a terrible world of fear and paranoia you must live in. Clinging to Big Momma Government's shirt, crying, "Oh Mommy! Protect me from the big bad ter'ists!"


Bald Headed Geek said...

Well, jersey mcjones, all I can say is that we do not (obviously) agree at all. I think that programs like this DO make us safer.

That said, I am glad that you stopped by, and hope that you will continue to do so!