Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The rats continue to abandon ship

Senator Richard Lugar has stated that the Surge is failing and that the U.S. should begin to pull out of Iraq: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-06-25-lugar_N.htm?csp=34. Let's see, we have the Pentagon saying that no one should make any decisions or reach any conclusions before September at the earliest, but Senator Lugar has apparently decided in JUNE that enough time has passed for opinions to be offered.

Right now, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Osama Bin Laden are smiling somewhere...............

1 comment:

Avi said...

Actually, maybe the US should pull out of Iraq. What qualifies as a US victory? If it is a flowering of democracy and human rights across the Mid-East, there is no hope. If victory is, however, sowing discord across the House of Islam, Iraq gives us a perfect opportunity. If the US pulls out, the Sunni-Shia and Arab-Kurd fissures could spread across the Islamic world, tearing it a part.
A great article is by Hugh Fitzgerald Victory Stands Shining Before Us