Thursday, June 28, 2007

The proposed Immigration Bill

I am already on record in previous posts as being dead set against this proposed immigration bill. Well, today is "do or die" day for both the supporters and opponents: Either the Senate debate on the bill will be limited, in which case it will almost certainly pass, and once it is reconciled with a House version, will eventually be signed into law by President Bush, or debate will not be limited, in which case it will likely be left to the next Congress and President to work on this issue. Supporters of the Bill need 60 votes to limit debate, and it's going to be close.

Roughly 78% of the American public is opposed to this bill, with good reason. It does nothing to fix the leaky borders. It gives the government 24 hours to investigate whether an alien has a criminal record (the same government which can not get a legal citizen a passport in less than three months). I could go on and on, but why bother? The bottom line is that this bill stinks, for lack of a better word, and I am incredibly resentful of a Congress and President who are trying to force a Bill down our throats while muttering their collective breath that we're all racists, stupid, or both.

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