Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pull ouf of the U.N.

If it's possible, I have less than zero faith in the U.N. It is an anti-Western, anti-American, anti-Semitic collection of miscreants.

When it was founded, the idea behind the United Nations was to create an organization that would prevent wars and deal with disputes through discussion as opposed to violence. Well, the U.N. hasn't exactly prevented many wars, though admittedly there have been no large-scale world wars since its founding, but that is most likely due to the fact that neither the USSR/Russia nor the United States, the two dominant world powers since 1945, really want to nuke each other. It has done nothing to advance the causes of freedom or democracy, and in fact, seems to hold both of those principles in contempt. A vast majority of its members are dictatorships. Those that are not are for the most part corrupted by morally-bankrupt, politically-correct groupthink which seems to prohibit them from ever doing or saying the right thing (Western Europe, anyone?), or from even acknowledging that yes, western democracy IS superior to Islamic theocracy or Latin American dictatorships.

And now, we have the loathsome Human Rights Commission, which is the subject of much-deserved scorn: http://www.eyeontheun.org/editor.asp?p=335&b=1. We in the U.S. pay 22% of the budget of this despicable body. Why? What does it gain for us? Can anyone name even ONE single benefit that funding it provides? If you can, you're a better person than me. The Human Rights Commission is in my mind the symbol of what the U.N. is. It is an organization worthy only of contempt and derision. It hates us, we hate it. Fine. Let it move permanently to Geneva or, since it loves autocracies so much, maybe it can be hosted in Havana, Caracas, Tehran or Damascus. Go, I say. Never darken our door again. We should wave goodbye and leave it to rot away like the diseased carcass it is.

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