Saturday, January 26, 2008

Condoning murder

In essence, this has been what the West has done in Lebanon: It started with Syria's assassination of Rafik Hariri (for more on that, go here:, and has been going on ever since. The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed to which I linked places the blame for this squarely at the feet of the United States, and I find it difficult to disagree. Syria's intransigence received a huge boost when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi kowtowed to the chinless wonder, Basher Assad, followed rapidly by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's equally obsequious pandering to him since 2006. The Syrian leadership may be a collection of bloodthirsty, terrrorist-enabling thugs, but it is not stupid. It understands very well that the West in general and the United States in particular lack the will to do anything about its murdering of political opponents.

So, the sad fact of the matter is that until we in the United States get serious about Syria, the Syrians will certainly not get serious about us............

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