Sunday, October 7, 2007

Nah, no bias here

The timing of this story is what makes it so wonderful. It wasn't that long ago, that the Democratic presidential candidates, under tremendous pressure for "the base" (the nutcases who get their news only from the Daily Kos, Puffington Host, and Media Matters, etc.), weaseled their way out of a presidential debate on Fox News. Well, now comes the story of the Republican candidates getting ready to participate in a debate which is being moderated by Hardball's Chris Matthews.

Why is this so fascinating? Well, it wouldn't necessarily be if Matthews hadn't recently let loose with a strong of accusations against the Bush White House, speaking darkly of its "criminality": Think that the good Mr. Matthews will be a model of objectivity?


Stephen R. Maloney said...

I'll be writing about the following on Monday and Tuesday on my blog:

Question: Why is the media seemingly losing interest in the Iraq War?

Answer: According to columnist Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the reason is simple: because of the Petraeus strategy, coupled with growing support from former Sunni insurgents, the U.S. is winning the war -- and al Qaeda is losing.

Conclusion: What's good news for America is no news for the media.

On Monday and Tuesday, I'll talk more about Iraq, and the suprising influence it might have on the election.

(Read Jack Kelly's Sunday, October 7 column in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Forum.)

Serket said...

At the Republicans have the courage to go outside of their base, but perhaps they have to in order to get media coverage.